New Things Blowing your Way

I’m off of my spring break and now I am back at University, what a drag! Well, if I can say anything about University, it is that I actually get stuff done while I sit in the little cement rooms, where privacy is pretty much  lost and anything you do can and will be used against you if your roommate is an ass; thankfully mine is not. Because it has been so long, I decided to do some things with my blog, get everything ready, and start pushing for some more activity.



I made it myself, and took way too much time to do so. I actually could have been doing homework or I could have been writing for one of the many pieces that I need to do, but neither of those seemed like a good Idea, and WordPress got the better of me once again. Because today is still Monday, I will be doing my Meme Monday while telling you that I will be revealing some exciting information tomorrow. So you should come back and check it out.

As for the Meme, here it is folks!
Writing isn’t an easy task, as in, one can’t continuously fill their life with extraneous things and expect to get anything done. But that could be said with just about anything. Wood working, Horseback riding, Sports, and musical instruments. These things take time, effort, and a dedication that you will spend a specific amount of time on them each week.

When people ask me how I could finish a novel in the time that I have, I turn to them and tell them it was pure dedication and a desire to complete what I had started. Now, things may get in the way from time to time, but I would write every day, a lot every day. I had specific writing times, I would put on my headphones and get lost in the world that I had created. Nothing could take that time.

Party? Sorry. Drinking? Nope. TV Show Season Start/Finish?  Not even close.

You can’t become the next Mozart if you don’t practice your craft. Why should it be any different from becoming the next Stephen King, or the next Joyce Carol Oates?

It may not be exactly what you want to do, and it may not be what you want to hear, but for many writers it is what needs to be done. If you allow for your writing time to slip through the cracks, then your novel, story, essay, poem, ect will surely follow.  You must protect that writing time as if it is that last breath of air you take just before diving in, without it, how will you stay underwater for any period of time?

I had to give up some socializing time, sometimes I give up sleep, but in the end, everything I do is worth it. The moment when I have the ability to open up my word document and past the congratulatory “The End” into my manuscript makes every lost moment worth it. The way my fans gasp and call and message me keeps my self strong and allows me to push through the tough times and swallow my lazy feelings . Sure, some days are hard, and some days you don’t want to write.

But what do you want to say no to, “Television” or your “Manuscript”? The choice is up to you.

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